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Transaction timeout for data-base mutex
Posted by: tourneur
Date: August 26, 2004 04:45AM


I'de like to use transaction locking mechanism as a mutex. I've already succeeded making this work on pgsql.

The algo is simple: I open a connection, set lock timeout to whatever i want, start the transaction and try to update a dummy row or create a dummy table (P/semTake of mutex), check if I got the mutex token (affected rows > 0 on update, no error on create table) (if not exit), execute my critical job and finally close the data-base connection causing a roll-back on update or create table (V/semGive of mutex).

With MySQL, I haven't found anything to modify the lock timeout. Does someone know?

thanks for any answer.


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Transaction timeout for data-base mutex
August 26, 2004 04:45AM

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