pb with the mbrcontains command
Posted by:
Date: September 01, 2004 03:14PM
i've got a pb with the mbrcontains command and the real numbers (not with
the integer numbers).
I send this command :
select astext(geometrie) from gestionmap where
MBRContains(GeomFromText('Polygon((-180 -90.1,-180 90.1,180.1 90.1,180.1
-90.1,-180 -90.1))'),geometrie); it works and i receive this recordset :
POLYGON((29.751307 31.332317,30.10916 31.332317,30.10916 31.077066,29.751307
31.077066,29.751307 31.332317))
POLYGON((29.751255 31.32349,30.092671 31.32349,30.092671
31.093151,29.751255 31.093151,29.751255 31.32349))
POLYGON((29.751369 31.323861,30.067349 31.323861,30.067349
31.090876,29.751369 31.090876,29.751369 31.323861))
POLYGON((29.751305 31.350013,30.109187 31.350013,30.109187
31.077006,29.751305 31.077006,29.751305 31.350013))
but if i send this command :
select astext(geometrie) from gestionmap where
MBRContains(GeomFromText('Polygon((-180.1 -90.1,-180.1 90.1,180.1
90.1,180.1 -90.1,-180.1 -90.1))'),geometrie); i receive a empty recordset,
i just changed the number -180 into -180.1 (to enlarge the selection).
if i use only integer numbers i don't have any problems (but i need real
numbers of course ...)
help !!!!
PS : i use mysql 5