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Re: Newbie question
Posted by: Nick Roper
Date: August 07, 2004 03:56AM


Another thing for you to be aware of. mysql_result() is not a very efficient method of retrieving data. mysql_fetch_array() or mysql_fetch_row() are faster.

For example:

$x = 0;

while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) && ($x < $n_subcategories)) {

$subcategories[$x]["subcategories"] = $row['subcategories'];


Or, if you want the data from all rows:

$x = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {

$subcategories[$x]["subcategories"] = $row['subcategories'];


This is off the top of my head - you may need to check the syntax, but I think it's right.

For documentation on these functions, try:


Nick Roper

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August 06, 2004 11:01PM
August 07, 2004 03:36AM
Re: Newbie question
August 07, 2004 03:56AM

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