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Re: Server LOAD_FILE
Posted by: Barry Galbraith
Date: December 08, 2016 08:30PM

I'm stabbing the dark here, but I'd imagine that with a shared host, your 'berowraw_root' is not a real 'root'.

Your user needs to have 'file' privilege, and that's global, which poses a security risk to other user's databases.

Can you ask your webhost if your 'root' user has FILE priv by checking in the mysql/user table?

I'm guessing that
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `berowraw\_bw`.* TO 'berowraw_root'@'localhost'
doesn't include FILE (and several other super user privs).

Good luck,

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December 08, 2016 07:12PM
Re: Server LOAD_FILE
December 08, 2016 08:30PM
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