Re: Have a Database I Can't Backup: need to Do that because Need the Data
Good Afternoon sir: Thank you for responding:
I am new to SQL so whatever is below might as well be
"kodoaefjlksz∂fjpdzjk;lfjm:agm:elgm;faleFGM:ALER<GM:ALREGMALGMAG;KLQ /Q"
I am sorry, but I am telling you I have the files in the /var/lib/mysql directory on the server, and I need the contents of the tcts_2017 database: There is NOTHING that makes sense to me on the internet for this task that says you take all the files and turn them into sql databases by doing X: <instructions that tell you> Everything is so convoluted and does not make sense, because I dont have an "information schema, or a "test" database.
I have been doing everything I have been told: from moving /var/lib/sql/tcts_2017 directory from a backup of all the files in that directory to /var/lib/mysql: I move these things, and dont move ibdata1 and the logfiles, and I I get a database there, that is BLANK, Then I change permissions, to mysql:mysql, and I get the Database "tcts_2017" with all the stuff on the left, and NOTHING on the right, and when I click a form on the left it gives me ERROR #1146: Table <name> does not exist.
Am I forced to THROW AWAY all the files HERE
total 149512
-rw-rwxrwx 1 brian brian 1540 Oct 26 11:48 ib_buffer_pool
-rw-rwxrwx 1 brian brian 52428800 Oct 26 11:48 ibdata1
-rw-rwxrwx 1 brian brian 50331648 Oct 26 11:48 ib_logfile0
-rw-rwxrwx 1 brian brian 50331648 Oct 26 11:48 ib_logfile1
drwxrwxrwx 2 brian brian 4096 Oct 26 11:46 tcts_2017
and TRASH the data, simply because I CAN'T do what you are suggesting? NOTHING in the commands below has anything to do with MY databases, and I may have to pay money to have this recovered: I WISH there was a program that would take that mess of *.frm files and reconstruct it: I have HAD enough of reading something so technical that I dont DARE do it without help. and everytimeI move ibdata1 with logfiles, I cant START mysql: OR the files are mismatched:
Please: what can I do?
set @dbs = (select group_concat(schema_name separator ' ')
from information_schema.schemata
where schema_name not in('test','information_schema','performance_schema') );