Peter Brawley Wrote:
> Oh, I missed them. If you are getting an access
> denied error, something in authentiucation has
> changed. Have you recently upgraded to MySQL 8? If
> so, the authentication default method has changed
> to caching_sha2_password, see
> it breaks most previous authentication
> configurations.. If that's so, other logins eg the
> mysql client should also be affected.
I see no errors listed, the SQL dump file is created with the contents I have shown but obviously there's nothing there. Previous dumps were 700+ megabytes and took several minutes to process.
I do apt update/upgrade fairly regularly, yes. But I think this server started out with v8
MySQL Server version: 8.0.27-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (Ubuntu)
The application using this database is Zabbix 5.0.18 and it is having no trouble. I am 90% certain it is using the same account I am trying to do the dump under.