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Re: root user cannot change system variables?
Posted by: Karl Jenkinson
Date: January 15, 2022 12:52PM

Sorry Peter, I accidentally replied to myself, so you probably did not see it.

Using brute force <sigh> I found a "my.cnf" file I had downloaded from the internet to try. As soon as I deleted it, the MySQL server started up. Yay!

I am still looking to be able to bulk upload data to my MySQL database. I am the only person using it, so security is not an issue. I would like to be able to use the "Options file" to make changes. But all it says is "Location of MySQL configuration file (ie: my.cnf) not specified" and everything is greyed out.

I have looked on the internet for a sample config file, but everything I found is old, like version 5 old. Every other source tells me that sample config files are installed automatically...but when I installed MySQL Workbench, there was nothing there.

Do you have any advice?


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