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Re: root user cannot change system variables?
Posted by: Karl Jenkinson
Date: January 16, 2022 11:41PM

Hello Peter,

Thank you. I was not certain if a simple config file with just one line is valid. MySQL Workbench does not mind it. Unfortunately, it also seems to ignore it. I put that exact file in that exact place, then use the MySQL preference pane to set the "my.cnf" file location. When I started up, the Options File page said "Location of MySQL configuration file (ie: my.cnf) not specified". All the options, such as to choose a config file, are greyed out. I am very confused why workbench ignores the file AND does not allow it to be specified.

By the way, the "find" command works beautifully in Mac :). Thank you. I should have thought of that.

Thank you for all your help. If you have any ideas where to go next, I would appreciate hearing them.


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