Short Answer:
rs_MSExcel_01!abonnee != "rs_MSExcel_01!abonnee"
This might work:
Strng2 = rs_MSExcel_01!abonnee
StrSQL_00 = "INSERT INTO db_00 (" & Strng1 & ") VALUES (" & Strng2 & ")"
Be warned: If the value in
abonnee is
not numeric, you're on the verge of creating you're very own SQL Injection Attack.
At the very least, you would have to quote the SQL literal.
StrSQL_00 = "INSERT INTO db_00 (" & Strng1 & ") VALUES ( '" & Strng2 & "' )"
^ ^
At best, you [really] should investigate Parameterised Queries.
I'm slightly worried by that table name as well.
It hints towards your having "db_01", "db_02", "db_793", etc., all with the same structure.
The "Table-per-
Thing" Model
almost always breaks down as the number of Things increases and you can get just as good performance from a
single table with all the same columns, plus a "Thing" identifier.
Regards, Phill W.