Error: "File 'c:\mysql\share\charsets\?.conf' not found..."
Posted by: Darko Drakulic
Date: December 05, 2005 09:46AM

Im working with mysql 5.0, PHP4, Windows IIS and cp-1250 charset.
In PHP scripts, when I have connection to mysql I give message (in HTML pages):

File 'c:\mysql\share\charsets\?.conf' not found (Errcode: 2)
Character set '#33' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the 'c:\mysql\share\charsets\Index' file

Directory c:\mysql\share\charsets\cp1250 and files in it exists on system.

But, mysql work perfect, all characters are correct and when I connect to mysql with odbc I dont have this error.
Can I "turn off" error messages from mysql?
@mysql_connect doesnt work (in PHP).

Can somebody help me?


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Error: "File 'c:\mysql\share\charsets\?.conf' not found..."
December 05, 2005 09:46AM

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