Re: Chinese Charset is displayed as '????'
Posted by: Raymond Mui
Date: November 04, 2005 09:40AM

I found a "solution" to my case:

- Create the database/table/columns in UTF8;
- I use MySQLManager as GUI for entering data;
- For big5 data, "set names big5" before inserting data;
- For Korean data, "set names euckr" before inserting data;
- On the page, I use MySQL.Net client, instead of odbc;
- Do not need to use "set names....";

..and I can display Chinese, Korean and, of coz, English in a single page.

However, I do not understand why I have to use "set names big5" or "set names euckr" before inserting data...!? Is it not suppose to be Unicode?

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November 03, 2005 01:55AM
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Re: Chinese Charset is displayed as '????'
November 04, 2005 09:40AM

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