some questions related to Unicode
Posted by: Veera Swamy
Date: August 25, 2008 08:33PM

Hi there,
Sorry if these questions are repeated, but i really could'nt find a proper answer for them. Can some one shed some light?
I managed to understand the usage of unicode, to store it, retrieve it and display unicode data.

If i plan to store unicode data(using php & mySQL), what should i look for:

1. If the user has data in more than one language and when i try to sort this data, how does it get sorted? Does normal searches work?

2. Is there a sorting collation for Devnagari scripts? for example Hindi.

3. Does searches or operations on unicode data slower compared to normal english searches?

4. Is there a way i can specify collation at run time, depending on the user or the application?

5. If i have data, is there a way know what collation or lanaguage it is?

6. Compared to normal string, how much space does a unicode string occupy. For example, for a name in english, if it occupies 4 bytes, how much would i occupy for the same name in a different language. When i declare fields that hold unicode data, should i declare them as varchar or something else?

I would really appreciate any help on this.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2008 08:41PM by Veera Swamy.

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some questions related to Unicode
August 25, 2008 08:33PM
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