> Now I have upgraded to 4.0. Works fine. And I have
> upgraded to 4.1.12, and works almost fine.
> only problem is with the "long" passwords. I don't
> understand what is meant by this passage in the
> manual "Upgrade all client programs to use a 4.1.1
> or newer client library".
Assuming that you used 'mysql' command to connect to the server, it seems that you are still using the one before upgrade. Try the following command to check the version.
shell> mysql --version
If the version of the 'mysql' command is older than 4.1.1, you need to upgrade the client program which means to use the 'mysql' command in the bin directory of 4.1 directory. How did you upgrade to 4.1, by the way?
> And how I will go about once I try to
> connect with Php? How do I upgrade it to use
> "long" passwords?
To connect from the php program, read the note at the bottom in the page below first.