Character set differs in reality
Posted by: na na
Date: October 19, 2010 02:38PM

Hi Folks,

I have a really wierd situation - here are the details from our server when I run SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%'.

character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database latin1
character_set_filesystem binary
character_set_results utf8
character_set_server utf8
character_set_system utf8
character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

Here's what I get when I make a connection with PHP (through either Zend or ADODB - so clearly generic):

character_set_client, latin1
character_set_connection, latin1
character_set_database, latin1
character_set_filesystem, binary
character_set_results, latin1
character_set_server, utf8
character_set_system, utf8
character_sets_dir, /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

Obviously I can run SET NAMES but I'm 100% confused why the server is differing to what I'm given in PHP??

The key issue being that text is encoding wrongly and giving funny characters when going into our live database and giving the funny <?> when coming out.

Any help would be grand.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2010 02:44PM by na na.

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Character set differs in reality
October 19, 2010 02:38PM
October 20, 2010 08:27PM

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