Re: Error inserting UTF8 data into primary key (collation & sharp-s)
Posted by: Rick James
Date: March 12, 2011 09:00AM

CHARACTER SET controls storage.
COLLATION controls comparisions.
A 'comparison' is used to decide whether 'weiß' is the same as 'weis'.
For utf8_general_ci, they are different.
For utf8_unicode_ci, they are treated the same.

As for why 5.5.9 chose a different collation? I don't know. Suggest you establish a default collation on the database before starting the load. And/or modify the dump file to explicitly set the preferred collation on each table.

These also talk about issues with the sharp-s:,388781,389137 (Search for German)

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Re: Error inserting UTF8 data into primary key (collation & sharp-s)
March 12, 2011 09:00AM

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