> is there a way to do this without having this 3 colums ?
The "collations" available in MySQL for WHERE, ORDER BY, etc, are limited. They certainly do not include 'ignore noise words'.
You might be able to do it with 2 columns -- one with the 'printable' phrases, one with the 'sortable' phrases. The latter probably should be CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATION utf8_unicode_ci.
More info, including info on some of the equivalences for various collations:
If I am not mistaken (and that web page is correct), ue collates after any flavor of u:
U=u=Ù=Ú=Û=Ü=ù=ú=û=ü ue uz
Slash-L does not collate as L, but after LZ:
utf8 : utf8_general_ci J=j K=k L=l lj ll lz M=m N=n=Ñ=ñ nz
utf8 : utf8_general_mysql500_ci J=j K=k L=l lj ll lz M=m N=n=Ñ=ñ nz
utf8 : utf8_danish_ci J=j K=k L=l lj=LJ=Lj=lj ll lz Ł=ł M=m N=n=Ñ=ñ nz
utf8 : utf8_swedish_ci J=j K=k L=l lj=LJ=Lj=lj ll lz Ł=ł M=m N=n=Ñ=ñ nz
utf8 : utf8_estonian_ci J=j K=k L=l lj=LJ=Lj=lj ll lz Ł=ł M=m N=n=Ñ=ñ nz
utf8 : utf8_unicode_ci J=j K=k L=l lj=LJ=Lj=lj ll lz Ł=ł M=m N=n=Ñ=ñ nz
utf8 : utf8_polish_ci J=j K=k L=l lj=LJ=Lj=lj ll lz Ł=ł M=m N=n=Ñ=ñ nz
utf8 : utf8_spanish_ci J=j K=k L=l lj=LJ=Lj=lj ll lz Ł=ł M=m N=n nz Ñ=ñ
utf8 : utf8_spanish2_ci J=j K=k L=l lj=LJ=Lj=lj lz ll Ł=ł M=m N=n nz Ñ=ñ