Re: mysql can not to insert unicode16 uncommon word
Posted by: Rick James
Date: May 16, 2013 09:02PM

Notice how UTF16 (not utf8), Java, and Javascript break it into two codes. This is because they can't go beyond 16 bits per character. (Similarly, MySQL's utf8 does not go past 3 bytes per character.)

I suggest that your 'D848DE22' came from utf16 or some program that uses utf16 (Java, etc). Please investigate the source.

The 'BF' at the start of 'BFF0A288A2' sounds wrong; the rest of the encoding matches U+22222.

22222 sounds suspicious, but it seems to be a real character.

Back to MySQL... I would expect 'F0A288A2' to work fine in the utf8mb4 CHARACTER SET.

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Re: mysql can not to insert unicode16 uncommon word
May 16, 2013 09:02PM

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