setting character set for inserts and updates
Posted by: Attila Rákos
Date: December 16, 2005 04:21PM


I have MySQL 4.1.15 (Win) with a utf-8 based database (default character set is utf8 on each table) and a PHP program working on it. Everything is perfect while the default-character-set option is set to utf8 in the configuration file (my.ini), but I have to install the program and the database on a server (Linux) where this setting is different. When I try to execute queries on this server from PHP, the result seems to be in ISO-8859-2 (latin2), which is not suitable for me (I need utf-8). After setting character_set_results variable to utf8 (SET character_set_results = utf8) the SELECTs work well, I get the result what I need. However the INSERTs and UPDATEs which contain text in utf-8 are apparently considered as ISO-8859-2 instead of utf-8. I tried to set character_set_connection, character_set_server, character_set_database and character_set_system to utf8 before executing INSERTs and UPDATEs but nothing happens. Do I miss something or the SQL commands really rely on the default-character-set option of my.ini/cfg by all means? It's unbelievable for me.



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setting character set for inserts and updates
December 16, 2005 04:21PM

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