Data Migration from 5.6.29 to 5.7.12
Hi all,
report a behavior I could not solve by myself.
Two distinct installations on same machine : one is 5.6.29 the other is 5.7.12
I did a data migration from 5.6 to 5.7.
Now : in the old db instance I used to launch a very simple script to load data from outside. Script follows :
connect gesat2016; -- Connect to db
call CP_DDMIN_DDMIN2; -- Copy a table into another one
truncate table DDMIN; -- Empty table before loading
load data local infile 'C:\\DDM15_2016_01_18.CSV'
into table DDMIN
fields terminated by ';'
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\n'
ignore 1 lines
(Richiesta, IdProgetto, Progetto, MF, Titolo, RichiestaCollegata,
TitoloRichiestaCollegata, RmEmittente, SettoreEmittente,
AreaCliente, DataDesiderata, KitDesiderato, DataPianificata,
KitPianificato, Semaforo, Fase, Stato, DataPianRila,
RequisitoGiaLavorato, TipologiaDomanda, CollaudoUtente,
CodSistemaApplicativo, AbbrSistemaApplicativo, DescSistemaApplicativo,
CodSistema, DescSistema, Tipo, ReferenteSviluppo, SettoreSviluppo, Kit,
ComplessitaDesign, ComplessitaCollaudo, EffortAnalisi,
EffortSviluppo, EffortCollaudo, EffortAM, EffortTotale, FFPSvil, FFPConf,
EffortNoSize, DataUltMod, EffortPubblicatiMobile,
EffortPubblicatiFisso, DataUltPubblicazioneMobile,
DataUltPubblicazioneFisso, HWKEURO, LUKEURO, Definitiva, DataChiusuraReq,
Note, PeriodoMonitoraggio, DataSemVerde, ProcessoAgile, ProcessoSviluppo)
Effects :
running the script with MySQL 5.6.29 ends ok
running the script with MySQL 5.7.12 ends KO
Reason of KO (from console) :
ERROR 1300 (HY000): Invalid utf8 character string: 'GGU per SAP HR 1'
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
ERROR 1300 (HY000): Invalid utf8 character string: 'BPM: Modifica al workflow approvativo per '
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Of course the data I try to load is always the same but I cannot catch the reason why in 5.6 it works ok while in 5.7 I get the error.
Did a check to compare table properties (collate and so on) and they are equal.
Any suggestion ?
Thank you