Re: Is this bug in MySQL Server 5.7.14?
Posted by: Peter Brawley
Date: March 26, 2017 02:34PM

> It is mistake. This string can not have '"'.

in.txt contains one line which is a copy of what you posted ...

"Coleção Roadster casaco/colete\ - 2016".

> Also you example lost symbol '\'.

`\` is the escape char. it means: escape ie ignore the next char. If you want it to be accepted as data, you'll need to escape it with a preceding '\'

So, if we remove the quotes and the period from in.txt, and escape the escape backslash with a preceding backslash, we get ...

| ben_text                                 |
| Coleção Roadster casaco/colete\ - 2016   |

In no case do we see '�'.

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