Re: Case insensitive search in utf8 db
Posted by: Peter Brawley
Date: November 29, 2019 04:31PM

Can't replicate that problem in 8.0.18, what dies this script return on your system?

create schema if not exists cs character set='utf8';
use cs;
show variables like 'character%';
show variables like 'collat%';
set @u='ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ', @l='Γιαννης', @d='Γιάννης';
select @u=@l, @u=@d, @l=@d;

drop table if exists cs;
create table cs( u varchar(32), l varchar(32), d varchar(32) ) character set='utf8';
show create table cs;
insert into cs values(@u, @l, @d);
select u=l, u=d, l=d from cs;
select * from cs where u=@u and l=@l and d=@d;
select * from cs where u='ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ' and l='Γιαννης'and d='Γιάννης';

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November 29, 2019 01:14PM
Re: Case insensitive search in utf8 db
November 29, 2019 04:31PM

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