Transfer data from UTF-8 encoded MySQL database to ISO-8859-7
Posted by: Takis Bouyouris
Date: March 07, 2006 06:01AM

Hello everyone!

I have a problem when trying to copy - transfer more accurately - data from a UTF-8 encoded MySQL database to a ISO-8859-7 (that's for greek) encoded MySQL database. So I have two databases: one with utf8 character set and utf8_general_ci collation and one with greek character set and greek_general_ci collation. I want to transfer whole tables from the first to the second. My MySQL server has default characer-like parameters set to utf8.

Is there something I am missing as to what the proper procedure is? I use useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 for the connection string of the first database and useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=greek for the second one. Shouldn't that be enough to transfer the data correctly? When I do the transfer (with Java, JDBC) I get ??? in the target database.

I have the feeling that my problem is quite elementary, but it has baffled me quite a bit? I have resorted in experimenting with the CONVERT(...) function in the SELECT and INSERT statements but to no avail. I also tried to do stuff like new String(oldString.getBytes(oldEncoding), newEncoding) in Java but I get the same ??? in the target database.

If anybody knows what I'm doing wrong...
Thanx in advance.., cheers!

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Transfer data from UTF-8 encoded MySQL database to ISO-8859-7
March 07, 2006 06:01AM

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