MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.0.15 rc has been released. All users are recommended to update to this new release.
The Toolkit has support for:
1) "Generic migration" from Any Database that has a JDBC Driver.
2) "Optimized migration" from MS Access, MS SQL Server and Oracle.
"Optimized migration" is supported for the following:
Oracle8.1.5 .......... supported
Oracle9i ............. supported
Oracle10g ............ supported
Oracle10g R1........ supported
Oracle10g R2........ supported
MS SQL Server 7 ...... supported
MS SQL Server 2000 ... supported
MS SQL Server 2005 ... to be verified
MS Access 2000 ....... supported
MS Access XP ......... supported
MS Access 2003 ....... supported
MySQL 4.0 ............ supported
MySQL 4.1 ............ supported
MySQL 5.0 ............ supported
If you have tested against a different system please reply to this post.
Changes In 1.0.15 rc
The list of addressed bugs includes
- fix for foreign key references if the schema got renamed
Changes In 1.0.14 rc
The list of new features includes
- new BLOB streaming support option for BLOBs larger than 4MB on the Advanced options of the Data Mapping Options page
(needs server parameter max_allowed_packet set to 2M or higher)
- support for MySQL 4.0 servers as target database
- support for MSSQL 7.0
The list of addressed bugs includes
- fixed CLOB support for Oracle >= 9.0
- fixed Oracle NUMBER migration and data transfer
- fixed buttons on the [Advanced >>] section of the Creation Results page
- fixed index column length issues
Michael Zinner, GUI Developer
Office: +43 676 753 26 30
Michael Zinner, Team Lead, Developer Tools
Are you MySQL certified?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2005 03:33AM by Michael G. Zinner.