Access to MySQL Connection Problems using Linux
Posted by: Peter Freeman
Date: March 31, 2011 08:54PM

I want to migrate a number of simple MS Access Databases and I am uncertain as to what details to put into

Here is what I get:

MySQL Migration Toolkit - Script Version 1.1.9exp
Initializing migration environment...
Initialisation complete.

* Source database connection. *

Please choose a database system:
1. MySQL Server
2. MaxDB Database Server
3. MS SQL Server
4. MS Access
5. Generic Jdbc
6. Sybase Server
7. Oracle Database Server
0. Abort

Source Database System: 4

Please choose a connection:
1. Create new connection
0. Abort

Connection: 1

Creating new connection to MS Access ...
Please enter the connection parameters.

Database File: Connections.mdb
Username: peter
Password: mypassword
Connection String: <I don't know what to put here>

Connection name (leave blank not to store):

Testing connection to MS Access ...
The connection to the MS Access database could not be established.
The following error occured.
"$ Method)
Choose different connection: (1. Yes, 0. Abort)

What do I need to put in for the Connection String?



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Written By
Access to MySQL Connection Problems using Linux
March 31, 2011 08:54PM

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