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make number of partitions variable
Posted by: Mat private
Date: May 30, 2008 09:37AM


I was wondering if it is possoble to make a table with a flexiblepartitions variable.

I have a database where I store tickdata for stocks and I would like to make partitions per day, so that every day really has it's own partiotion. Since the database is filled continuously, I cannot set op the number of partitions when making the table.

So is it possible to do something like:

create table hereAretheticks (id int(11) not null auto_increment,symbol varchar(8),price double(17,3),_dateTime as bigint) Partition by hash (day(_dateTime)) Partitions select count(distinct(left(_datetime,8))) from hereAretheticks + 1;

where _datetime has a format like 20080530173228


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make number of partitions variable
May 30, 2008 09:37AM

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