The man page for 5.1.30 still says...
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning-limitations.html (like the rest of the online Manual and documentation downloads) is the
latest version of that section of the Manual. Please have a look at the last bullet point on that page:
The statements CHECK TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, ANALYZE TABLE, and REPAIR TABLE are supported for partitioned tables beginning with MySQL 5.1.27. (See Bug#20129.) mysqlcheck and myisamchk are not supported with partitioned tables.
In addition, you can use ALTER TABLE ... REBUILD PARTITION to rebuild one or more partitions of a partitioned table; ALTER TABLE ... REORGANIZE PARTITION also causes partitions to be rebuilt. Both of these statements were added in MySQL 5.1.5. See Section 12.1.7, “ALTER TABLE Syntax”, for more information about these two statements.
You should always check the online version of the Manual, which is continuously corrected and revised. (By "continuously", I mean that we commit dozens of updates to the MySQL documentation every day, and the online/downloadable versions of the Manual itself are regenerated and republished once or twice a day.) Obviously, we can't update
your copy of the man pages for you, but you can do so, by visiting
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ which has all the latest revisions of the Manual in all formats that we provide, including man pages (as .tar.gz, .zip, and .rpm).
(BTW, if you check
Bug #20129, you'll see a classic example where information about previous releases of the software was updated because we received new information from the developers.)
We're very aware that not all users upgrade their MySQL software as soon as a version of the software comes out, or at the same time. Just because we're shipping 5.3.31 or 5.1.32 of the software, this does not mean that we don't update and correct information in the Manual that relates to earlier versions of the software. (Does that make sense? Or do I need more coffee...? ;) ) So we encourage you to check the online versions of the documentation regularly, even if you've not yet upgraded to the latest version of the software.
Jon Stephens
MySQL Documentation Team @ Oracle
MySQL Dev Zone
MySQL Server Documentation