Steven Roussey wrote:
> As far as the table type, I was talking aoubt
> MyISAM. I would hope that if an update was
> happening on a primary key and the PK was the
> source of how the partitions are done, that MySQL
> would be able to lock just that partition
> (automatically, since it knows that only that one
> partition is affected). I'm generally thinking of
> the specific case where there is only one
> partition involved. If several are involved in an
> update, then a complete table lock is fine.
This is the goal of the optimisations to be done on the partitioning part.
However not sure exactly at which time it will be implemented. But I'll
keep an eye on it.
> As for maintenance, yes, being able to specify
> which partition is very important.
> Thanks!
Thx for the input and welcome with more input.
Rgrds Mikael
Mikael Ronstrom
Senior Software Architect, MySQL AB
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