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Partitioning increasing query time
Posted by: kushal kewlani
Date: December 09, 2010 07:38AM

I am partitioning a table using range partitioning on Date using to_days().
It is to be used in a procedure which contains in all 5 queries. Out of these 5 Queries 3 contains following in where clause :
---from_date<=tempdate<=to_date----, assume tempdate as column in the table and values of from_date and to_date is passed into procedure.

Other two queries does not contain where clause, they contain only joins without any explicit condition.

The problem which I am facing is :
When I ran this procedure without partitioning of the table it took lesser time as compared to when partitioning was done.
Was this because during those joins partitioned column is not being used and it has to go through all the partitions so the query is taking longer time than usual.

Please help me regarding this.

Thanks in advance.

Kushal Kewlani

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Partitioning increasing query time
December 09, 2010 07:38AM
December 10, 2010 11:49AM

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