Jon Freitag wrote:
> Are there any limitations with respect to tables
> using an auto_increment generated id as the
> partioning key? I am running into some problems
> with MySQL 5.1.7-beta on Linux with partitioned
> tables that seems to be related to the auto
> increment.
The basics should work. If auto increment is combined with
replication we mey get into the gray zone but I know of no
problem with just basic auto increment.
> First of all when I try to drop a partition that I
> am no longer writing data to, while writing data
> to another partition, MySQL seems to delete data
> in all partitions. As new records are written to
> another partition, the auto generated ids are 1,
> 257, 65793, 16843009, 4311810305, 1.10382E+12,
> 2.82579E+14 respectively. The subsequent insert
> fails with a range error for the datatype. Seems
> like the values are being incremented to the
> maximum value for various integer data types.
Sounds like a bug to me. Please file a bug report with some details
of what you do to get the erratic behaviour and we'll quickly look into it.
> Any insight is appreciated.
Rgrds Mikael
> Edited 1 times. Last edit at 03/21/06 05:09PM by
> Edwin DeSouza.
Mikael Ronstrom
Senior Software Architect, MySQL AB
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