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Direct access to full-text index
Posted by: Andreas Mayer
Date: January 12, 2009 05:04AM


For an AutoComplete feature (for instance, when you type "My", all words in the database' contents with "My*" should be offered to choose) on a Website I want to access the entries of a table's fulltext index directly, i.e. without SELECT * which returns a bunch of columns where I have to filter out my words myself.

myisam_ftdump does exactly what I want, but it lists _all_ words of the fulltext index while I only want words with a certain prefix (in this example case "My").

I read the source of myisam_ftdump, compiled it, played around and now I think that I know how it works. But now I want to change the behaviour from listing (done by using mi_rnext() on the fulltext index repeatedly) to searching. How do I do this? I have tried with mi_rkey() (but that would return only one row, correctly?), _mi_search(), ... but I always get return code -1 or error 120. Also, I don't know how I should prepare the query ("My") to be a valid key for which I have to search. I also don't know what thinks like key_part_map are. Is there any internal documentation? Or how can I find out these things?

Any help would be appreciated!

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Direct access to full-text index
January 12, 2009 05:04AM
January 17, 2009 01:29PM

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