I'm having a problem with the full text searching, it misses so much. If I search for 'test' it happily finds all the pages that still have 'test' as their text but a lot of the real phrases I search for come back with no results, in fact with one particular index (product_text) the only thing I've managed to get results with is 'test'.
(select id, 'pages' as model, match(`text`,name,sub_title,sub_content) against ('test') as relevance from pages where lang='en' having relevance>0)
union (select id, 'product_categories' as model, match(`text`,name,sub_text,sub_title,catalogue_title) against ('test') as relevance from product_categories where lang='en' having relevance>0)
union (select id, 'products' as model, match(product_text) against ('test') as relevance from sector_products where lang='en' having relevance>0)
union (select id, 'sector_products' as model, match(`text`) against ('test') as relevance from sector_products where lang='en' having relevance>0)
union (select id, 'news' as model, match(title,content) against ('test') as relevance from news where lang='en' having relevance>0)
order by relevance desc