Re: How to search based on first LETTER of consecutive words
Posted by:
Rick James
Date: April 04, 2013 10:34AM
These are close:
WHERE field_name LIKE '%t% i% n%'
WHERE field_name REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt].*[[:<:]][Ii].*[[:<:]][Nn]'
But they would match
"This is a new car"
REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt][[:alpha:]]* [Ii][[:alpha:]]* [Nn]';
would come closer to what you want. However, it requires one space between words -- no punctuation, etc.
mysql> SELECT 'This is new car' LIKE '%t% i% n%';
| 'This is new car' LIKE '%t% i% n%' |
| 1 |
mysql> SELECT 'This is a new car' LIKE '%t% i% n%';
| 'This is a new car' LIKE '%t% i% n%' |
| 1 |
mysql> SELECT 'This is new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt].*[[:<:]][Ii].*[[:<:]][Nn]';
| 'This is new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt].*[[:<:]][Ii].*[[:<:]][Nn]' |
| 1 |
mysql> SELECT 'This is a new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt].*[[:<:]][Ii].*[[:<:]][Nn]';
| 'This is a new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt].*[[:<:]][Ii].*[[:<:]][Nn]' |
| 1 |
mysql> SELECT 'This is new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt][[:alpha:]]* [Ii][[:alpha:]]* [Nn]';
| 'This is new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt][[:alpha:]]* [Ii][[:alpha:]]* [Nn]' |
| 1 |
mysql> SELECT 'This is a new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt][[:alpha:]]* [Ii][[:alpha:]]* [Nn]';
| 'This is a new car' REGEXP '[[:<:]][Tt][[:alpha:]]* [Ii][[:alpha:]]* [Nn]' |
| 0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
(Note: 0 means FALSE, 1 means TRUE.)
Written By
April 02, 2013 03:28PM
Re: How to search based on first LETTER of consecutive words
April 04, 2013 10:34AM
April 28, 2013 11:42AM
April 28, 2013 09:16PM
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