Re: Select * vs Select Columns
SELECT P.product_id, P.product_merchant_product_id, P.product_name, P.product_description, P.product_on_web, P.product_archive, P.product_keywords, P.product_best_seller, P.product_featured, P.product_usa, P.product_intro, P.age_from, P.age_to, P.grade_from, P.grade_to, S.sku_id, S.sku_merchant_sku_id, S.sku_product_id, S.sku_price FROM cw_products P INNER JOIN cw_skus S ON P.product_id = S.sku_product_id WHERE ( P.product_archive <> True AND P.product_merchant_product_id LIKE 'tree') OR (MATCH (P.product_name) AGAINST ('tree' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AND P.product_archive <> True ) OR (MATCH (P.product_description) AGAINST ('tree' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AND P.product_archive <> True)