Re: Correct parameters after changing password
> The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable
That often means the server is already running.
You seem to be flailing. It never works.
Basedir is the path to the MySQL installation directory. Apparently you have an installation in d:\mysql, another in C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7. You'll need to figure out which you're using, whether the two my.ini files point at different data folders.
Once you've picked one, stop the mysql service. Before debugging the service, you need to debug the underlying mysqld process. To do that, review the appropriate my.ini to determine its datadir, open a cmd window, navigate to basedir, and issue ...
mysqld --defaults-file=DATADIR\my.ini --console
... where DATADIR is the datadir specified in the appropriate my.ini file. If there are errors, you'll see them reported in that console. If you need help fixing them, post them here. If there are none, mysqld will hang once it's running---at which point, open a 2nd cmd window and issue ...
mysqladmin -uUSR -pPWD shutdown
... where USR & PWD are your mysql username & password for that instance of MySQL.
Then find the service corresponding to this instance of MySQL, configure it to use the command except for --console, and try starting it.
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Re: Correct parameters after changing password
March 02, 2021 11:05AM
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