how to analyze this query_cache status
Posted by:
d h
Date: March 30, 2007 12:46AM
Com_select 76892940
Qcache free blocks 10077
Qcache free memory 33854024
Qcache hits 47546504
Qcache inserts 75418490
Qcache lowmem prunes 13159447
Qcache not cached 1636734
Qcache queries in cache 25150
Qcache total blocks 60682
first question: I want to know why "Qcache free memory" is so large and "Qcache free blocks" is large but "Qcache lowmem prunes" is also large?why does it use free memory?
second question: why "Qcache hits" is small compare to "Com_select",does this mean the "query_cache_size" is small?
Written By
how to analyze this query_cache status
March 30, 2007 12:46AM
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