Query not returning all rows.. system Variables
I am trying to retrieve information about client history.
The query worked fine, so I thought, but now it only returns 283 rows, when I know there should be more:
SELECT s.SubmBalance, s.SubmDate, s.Subm_ID, m.Individual_ID, i.Fname, i.Lname, i.Individual_ID, CONCAT(t.TestCode,' - ',t.Description) AS Test, r.Result, p.ResultDate FROM submissions s, submission_details m, individual i, testdetails p, results r, tests t WHERE s.agent_ID = '1' AND m.Subm_ID = s.Subm_ID AND m.Individual_ID = i.Individual_ID AND m.PID = p.PID AND r.RES_ID = p.RES_ID AND t.TestCode = p.TestCode and p.Res_ID <> '194' Group by m.Individual_ID ,m.Subm_Id ORDER BY SubmDate DESC, Subm_ID DESC;
When I run a smaller query like Select * from submissions where agent_ID = '1'; it returns a bigger number of rows.
I think that I need to edit system variables to allow a bigger result but I don't know which one.