select distinct, max(intervention.starttime) as max_1
from identity
join event on identity.IDENTID=intervention.PATIENTID
join data on data.INTID=intervention.INTID
where data.expiry is null
or data.expiry >= "2010-11-05 15:55"
group by
order by max_1 desc
limit 91,30;
DISTINCT and GROUP BY -- usually redundant.
LIMIT and OFFSET; smells like pagination?
'OR' virtually eliminates any chance of using an INDEX; can you get rid of NULLs in `expiry`?
Other fields, such as PATIENTID can be NULL; is that reasonable?
For intervention, why have an AUTO_INCREMENT, when you seem to have a perfectly usable UNIQUE key of INTID?
Is this query a subquery in something else?
Are any pairs of tables 1:1?
Is innodb_buffer_pool_size set to 70% of _available_ RAM?