Optimize Query
This query on MyISAM runs in 9.16 sec but on NDB its takes 169.45 seconds...
can any body give hint what to do... and I am using 7.2.1 which have push down joins.
Select A.*, B.*,C.*, D.Length_Of_Training, D.Length_Of_Employment,
SUM(D.Training_Fee) as Training_Fee,
SUM(D.After_Training_Percentage) as After_Training_Percentage,
SUM(D.Training_Percentage) as Training_Percentage FROM cbp_pcetcontract A,
cbp_bpprofile B,
cbp_position C,
cbp_contractdeliverable D,
cbp_contract E
where A.BP_Id = B.BP_Id
and A.BP_Id = B.BP_Id
and A.PositionId = C.Position_ID
and D.Contract_ID = E.Contract_ID
and A.ContractDeliverableId=D.CD_Id
Group By A.ContractDeliverableId
Order By B.Region
Written By
Optimize Query
October 18, 2011 01:25AM
October 20, 2011 12:46AM
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