Executing same query in 1 moment
Hi all,
I got a problem on highly visited website. Let's say I am caching few of queries, which are quite hard for mysql - let's say some statistics for last month, or few days ago, anyway - they took around 5 seconds to complete, and there is no way to optimize them more.
I run into the problem - I see in mytop, mysql is executing roughly 20 same queries in the same time. Is there some workaround, how to force mysql will execute just one of these queries ? When, there are 20 same queries executed in same time (then they are cached), I got high load on db box, and other queries are blocked (MyISAM).
I am thinking to make some locking into memcache, but I am not sure, if this is right approach. If you got some articles about this problem, post, I will read them.