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Re: Optimize subquery, replace IN() with JOIN
Posted by: Miron jajtic
Date: November 16, 2016 04:03AM

Thank you, Peter.
Unfortunately does not work as expected
It returns several rows with the same content.

Bellow are table structure and sample datas.

Test run with your query:

mysql> SELECT, a.title, a.alias
FROM content AS a
JOIN category_content_se AS b ON = b.content_id
WHERE =1842
AND b.content_typ = 'actual'
ORDER BY a.date_add DESC
| id | title | alias |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Test run with original query:

mysql> SELECT id, title, alias
FROM content
WHERE published = '1'
AND typ = 'actual'
AND id
IN (
SELECT content_id
FROM category_content_se
WHERE category_id
IN (
SELECT category_id
FROM category_content_se
WHERE content_id = '1842'
AND content_typ = 'actual'
ORDER BY date_add DESC
| id | title | alias |
| 1876 | Prljava kampanja | Prljava kampanja |
| 1848 | Stablo nerada u Vrhovinama | Stablo nerada u Vrhovinama |
| 1847 | Zbogom Åzivotu pod maskama | Zbogom zivotu pod maskama |
| 1842 | Gdje je nestala pravda | Gdje je nestala pravda |
| 1838 | Pastrva je stara, uprava je nova | Pastrva je stara uprava je nova |
| 1837 | Pozeljna udavaca | Pozeljna udavaca |
| 1835 | Posmrtna knjiga kontraverznog srpskog politicara | Posmrtna knjiga kontraverznog srpskog politicara |
| 1831 | don Angelo iz duse | don Angelo iz duse |
| 1828 | Sajam poslova u Otoccu | Sajam poslova u Otoccu |
| 1824 | Pravda spora, ali dostizna | Pravda spora ali dostizna |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Tables with example data:

`id` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`date_add` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`published` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`typ` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`alias` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
KEY `title` (`title`),
KEY `published` (`published`),
KEY `typ` (`typ`)

INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1807, 'Zemljopisni polozaj like', '2009-02-23 00:33:17', 1, 'actual', 'Zemljopisni polozaj like');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1808, 'Zanimljive informacije o Lici', '2009-02-23 06:42:57', 1, 'actual', 'Zanimljive informacije o Lici');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1809, 'Licko gospodarstvo danas', '2009-02-23 06:44:48', 1, 'actual', 'Licko gospodarstvo danas');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1810, 'Povijest Like', '2009-02-23 06:46:50', 1, 'actual', 'Povijest Like');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1811, 'Lokalni izbori', '2009-02-23 16:03:34', 1, 'actual', 'Lokalni izbori');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1812, 'Bravo za zdravstvo u Gospicu', '2009-02-23 17:09:48', 1, 'actual', 'Bravo za zdravstvo u Gospicu');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1813, 'Promocija Gacke - sportskim ribolovom u svijet', '2009-02-23 17:35:23', 1, 'actual', 'Promocija Gacke sportskim ribolovom u svijet');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1814, 'Lika ko Amerika - Zasto Slobodna Lika?', '2009-02-23 17:47:36', 1, 'actual', 'Lika ko Amerika Zasto Slobodna Lika');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1817, 'Izazi iz minusa - Povoljno do kredita', '2009-02-23 18:26:11', 0, 'actual', 'Izadi iz minusa Povoljno do kredita');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1818, 'Polomljeni Lovinac - Pustos nakon ledenog nevremena', '2009-02-23 18:36:57', 1, 'actual', 'Polomljeni Lovinac Pustos nakon ledenog nevremena');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1824, 'Pravda spora, ali dostizna', '2009-02-23 19:52:33', 1, 'actual', 'Pravda spora ali dostizna');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1827, 'Beby Udbina!', '2009-02-24 07:03:31', 1, 'actual', 'Beby Udbina');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1828, 'Sajam poslova u Otoccu', '2009-02-24 07:08:23', 1, 'actual', 'Sajam poslova u Otoccu');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1831, 'don Angelo iz duse', '2009-02-24 11:25:34', 1, 'actual', 'don Angelo iz duse');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1835, 'Posmrtna knjiga kontraverznog srpskog politicara', '2009-02-24 13:22:06', 1, 'actual', 'Posmrtna knjiga kontraverznog srpskog politicara');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1837, 'Pozeljna udavaca', '2009-02-24 16:23:25', 1, 'actual', 'Pozeljna udavaca');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1838, 'Pastrva je stara, uprava je nova', '2009-02-24 16:33:21', 1, 'actual', 'Pastrva je stara uprava je nova');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1842, 'Gdje je nestala pravda', '2009-02-24 17:26:11', 1, 'actual', 'Gdje je nestala pravda');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1847, 'Zbogom zivotu pod maskama', '2009-02-24 19:51:32', 1, 'actual', 'Zbogom zivotu pod maskama');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1848, 'Stablo nerada u Vrhovinama', '2009-02-24 20:56:12', 1, 'actual', 'Stablo nerada u Vrhovinama');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1850, 'Uspjesni projekt javno privatnog partnerstva u bolnici Gospić', '2009-02-24 21:31:24', 1, 'actual', 'Uspjesni projekt javno privatnog partnerstva u bolnici Gospic');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1851, 'Poceli dani posta i molitve', '2009-02-25 15:36:30', 1, 'actual', 'Poceli dani posta i molitve');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1852, 'Domace je domace', '2009-02-25 16:20:00', 1, 'actual', 'Domace je domace');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1853, 'Pocelo je pocelo', '2009-02-25 17:06:37', 1, 'actual', 'Pocelo je pocelo');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1854, 'Posipanje pepelom', '2009-02-25 19:38:28', 1, 'actual', 'Posipanje pepelom');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1856, 'Tko to prijeti našem ministru', '2009-02-26 09:32:04', 1, 'actual', 'Tko to prijeti nasem ministru');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1861, 'Made in country', '2009-02-26 16:35:53', 1, 'actual', 'Made in county');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1862, 'Citaj, samo citaj!', '2009-02-26 18:30:33', 1, 'actual', 'Citaj samo citaj');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1872, 'Zabrinjavajuća nezaposlenost', '2009-02-27 14:13:14', 0, 'actual', 'Zabrinjavajuca nezaposlenost');
INSERT INTO `content` VALUES(1876, 'Prljava kampanja', '2009-02-27 15:26:12', 1, 'actual', 'Prljava kampanja');

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `category_content_se` (
`category_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`content_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`content_typ` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
KEY `category_id` (`category_id`),
KEY `content_id` (`content_id`),
KEY `content_typ` (`content_typ`)

INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1807, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(17, 1807, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1809, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(4, 1809, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1810, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(17, 1810, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1810, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(5, 1810, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(0, 1865, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1865, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(17, 1865, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1865, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(3, 1865, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(0, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(22, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(11, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(17, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(36, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(7, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1866, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(0, 1874, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1874, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(5, 1874, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1883, 'yellowpages');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1883, 'yellowpages');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1901, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(5, 1901, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(11, 1901, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(17, 1901, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(24, 1901, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(23, 1901, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(25, 1901, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(11, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(17, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(24, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(23, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(25, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(28, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(21, 1902, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1876, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1876, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(3, 1876, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(0, 1897, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(39, 1897, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(0, 1898, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(39, 1898, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1811, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1811, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(11, 1811, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1812, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1812, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1813, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1813, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1817, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1817, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1814, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1814, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1814, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1818, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1818, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1824, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1824, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(2, 1824, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1824, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(32, 1824, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1824, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1828, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(17, 1828, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(4, 1828, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(32, 1828, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1828, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1831, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1831, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(12, 1831, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(5, 1831, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1831, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1831, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(27, 1831, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1835, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1835, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(12, 1835, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(5, 1835, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1835, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1835, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(3, 1835, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1837, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1837, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(22, 1837, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(12, 1837, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1837, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(3, 1837, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1838, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1838, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(4, 1838, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(34, 1838, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(7, 1838, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1842, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1842, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(2, 1842, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(22, 1842, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(12, 1842, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(15, 1842, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(3, 1842, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1847, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1847, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(21, 1847, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1848, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1848, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(4, 1848, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1873, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1873, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(4, 1873, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1872, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(1, 1872, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(38, 1872, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(4, 1872, 'actual');
INSERT INTO `category_content_se` VALUES(20, 1871, 'actual');

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Written By
Re: Optimize subquery, replace IN() with JOIN
November 16, 2016 04:03AM

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