Re: improving speed of mysql distance filter
Posted by:
Date: June 28, 2006 01:40AM
I've got the same problem. I've got a table holding >500.000 lat, lng values and want to find the ones closest as fast as possible.
Aubrey: I already did what you suggested.
I use the following SQL to find distances (in km):
"3963.191 * ACOS( (SIN(PI()*41.883190/180)*SIN(PI()*MapLat/180)) + (COS(PI()*41.883190/180)*cos(PI()*MapLat/180)*COS(PI()*MapLong/180-PI()*-87.627940/180)))
(input = decimal degrees.. radians in the database would speed up the whole thing a lot probably?!?!??)
To calculate boundaries (for the WHERE clause) I use the following calculation (in Ruby):
delta = distance.to_f
dlat = delta / (Math::PI * EARTH_RADIUS/180)
lat_radius = Math.cos(@latRadians) * EARTH_RADIUS # The radius of the earth at given latitude.
dlng = delta / (Math::PI * lat_radius/180)
sw = (@lat-dlat, @lng-dlng) # SouthWest corner
ne = (@lat+dlat, @lng+dlng) # NorthEast corner
Please let me know if you can use this?! I also would like to know if there is a FAST(er) way in MySQL to select/order rows according to their distance to a latitude, longitude coordinate.
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May 19, 2006 05:27PM
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Re: improving speed of mysql distance filter
June 28, 2006 01:40AM
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