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Re: foreign key
Posted by: henry yang
Date: October 23, 2008 12:59AM

5 beginner questions...and good news
I'll start with the good news. My swing is completely different than it was when I golfed for my 2nd time ever last Saturday (the first time was almost two month before when i got my new club from With that said, I went to the range today. I hit some beautiful shots...more than I've ever hit before. With that said, please answer these questions:

1) I'm trying to keep my left arm in almost hyperextended....for my entire swing. Is that wrong? Should there be a bend in my arm?

2) Should my hands be doing virtually nothing but "following" the rest of my body? When I hit some of my great shots, this is how it felt. However, don't the wrists/hands play some time of role other than follower?

3) I've read that your back should be toward your "target." How much of your back? Are we talking parallel? As in my back is almost completely turned?

4) Are you supposed to have the same swing mechanics for every swing (with the exception of chip shots, putting, and punching?)

5) Here's my thought process before my swing: What is wrong with it?

-Bend my knees a bit
-Arms relaxed
-Butt should be almost as if I'm sitting in a chair
-Keep left arm straight the entire time
-As the club is going up, I am turning my hips/back
-As I swing, I'm virtually letting my shoulders/hips do all of the work with the hands simply following

Anything would help. Thanks a ton.

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Re: foreign key
October 23, 2008 12:59AM

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