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Re: Got errors on building MySQL 5.5.11 undel RHEL6
Posted by: Noel Cruz
Date: April 23, 2011 11:34PM

i didn't get those protocol errors when i was building from source 5.5.11 under debian. before you run cmake . again, you should rm cmakecache.txt & make distclean first. also, i get better picture if i could reproduce the setup error. reading yur error logs indicate that you got to finish cmake then make and finally make install. it says linking somthing. i guess it is able to find the shared lbiraries in question in the usual places like /usr/lib so if you check for that shared lib file in the regular dir that the toolchain operates using file browser yuo shud find it. however, during the linking phase, the references do not match. hence you are getting the gmake protocol error. you may have a library version mismatch so you have to resolve that and dependenies. you will have to install the right one. linux is known for dependencies unless you want to write your own. since you got gmake error, you didn't compile. evenif you compile, the executables might not work as you planned it to be. in some of my coding, ig et some errors like: Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. in short, you have to resolve them. get someting working to start with. maybe i was fortunate to build from source but i did have several sleepless days working on it. coz yur linking error says linking error shared libs, resolve it. as i said it is finding the libs and linking. i guess you installe dthe proper dependencies also like bison, flex, libaio, libxml2 and the like. hope this helps and good luck! noel

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Re: Got errors on building MySQL 5.5.11 undel RHEL6
April 23, 2011 11:34PM

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