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compiling libstdc++ statically to a custom plugin
Posted by: Vadim Marchenko
Date: January 31, 2012 10:36PM


I am building a custom plugin for MySQL version 5.5.20 that uses C++ STL.
I am trying to link it statically against libstdc++.

I am running build on RH5 and I am using gcc 3.4.6 configured with fPIC.

MySQL and all other plugins including example build fine.

My custom plugin has the following c++ declaration
static std::map<pthread_t, std::queue<std::string> > udfData;

It compiles and seemingly links libstdc++ statically but fails to install with the following message

errno: 2 undefined symbol: _ZNSt8_Rb_treeImSt4pairIKmSt5queueISsSt5dequeISsSaISsEEEESt10_Select1stIS7_ESt4lessImESaIS7_EE4findERS1_

nm reveals plenty of missing symbols against a plugin dynamic library.

I tried to experiment with example plugin in MySQL 5.5.20.
I was able to load it with <iostream> library dependency statically compiled in but was not able to load it with c++ code snippet similar to the one in my custom plugin. Symptoms are the same: undefined symbol.

Previously, I was able to build this custom plugin with MySQL 5.1.44.
That version of server is using configure instead of CMake.

Any hints on how to resolve this would be extremly appreciated.

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compiling libstdc++ statically to a custom plugin
January 31, 2012 10:36PM

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