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Compiling a driver for Qt
Posted by: zebik zibik
Date: August 16, 2012 06:41PM


I came here from Qt Center and Qt Project forums because there is nobody who gave me reasonable answer so far.

My question is if there is anybody here who develops applications using QtSDK? I recently wanted to connect my brand new application made in the framework Qt to MySql server but I found that a file/driver called QMYSQL is missing. The documentations says that I need to compile this module by myself.

In their website, I found that I would need mysql libraries. Those libraries are used by a C++ compiler. They are supposed to be installed along with main program if I am to choose custom installation with them. The documentation on this webiste:
in section regarding windows states that I can find the libraries in the folder <path to mysql>\lib\opt. However when I inspect the mysql folder in my machine, there is not such folder. I installed any possible file from setup. Was this folder "lib\opt" there in previous versions of mysql?

I though it could be changed so I tried to specify the folder <path to mysql>\lib instead and the compilation began. However, after a while, make found a missing file mysql.lib. There is nowhere I can see this file!!! Can someone help with this issue please?

The procedure is that, essentially, to make this module, I need to run the command:
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=include" "LIBS+=libmysql.lib"

that produces a Makefile. include and libmysql.lib are the folder and the file copied from the mysql folder. Then I can run make. When make is executed, after a while the error appears that there is no file mysql.lib. PLease if you want to see logs from the compilation, they are here:
quite long. In Qt, nobody can help, I have hope perhaps someone here can help.


PS. I m sorry. Probably the English is not very good and I did not expressed things I should have. I hope you can understand the problem.

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Compiling a driver for Qt
August 16, 2012 06:41PM

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