Trying to build MySql 5.7.13 but getting several hundred warnings and errors
Trying to compile mysql 5.7.13 with openssl - looks pretty straight-forward but apparently can't be done, at least not by me anyway. Granted, I'm not a programmer, but I can follow directions and can usually work at a problem until I get it figured out but this one is beyond me.
Downloaded the source, boost, bison, cmake (gui) visual studios, getting the solution built ok but VS seems to just choke on it as if the source is no good.
Several hundred warnings about 'this truncated to that possible data loss' yada yada and 55-60 errors about can't find some file or other which is reasonable since I looked in the folders and those files don't exist.
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64bit, 8GB ram, 1TB HD.
CMAKE gui version 3.5.2
Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 version 12.0.40629.00
Openssl-win64 version 1.0.2g
MySql-5.7.13 source files
Boost 1.59.0 (tried newer versions but they caused errors with cmake)
Bison 2.4.1
Configure CMAKE, fix any errors until its not red, then generate. Creates mysql.sln file. Open it in VS and build (relwithdebinfo, x64) and the errors begin.
Either I am missing a step or the source is not for a windows environment, or some setting or option is tripping me up but been working on this for more than 2 weeks and it looks to me like MySql simply will not compile with the tools I have. (got them according to the instructions, nothing out of the ordinary)
I can provide txt files with build info, error info, and warning info if that would help anyone willing to take this on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Anyone that has managed to get mysql-5.7.13 compiled with openssl would be my savior if I can get it from them, this is beyond frustrating.