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SQL running slow
Posted by: Em Siden
Date: December 06, 2011 10:19PM

I am sorry if this topic is wrong because I am new in this forum.
Could you help me with the SQL process. I am using MySQL and connect with Joomla. I want to count all active and inactive job in my database but amount of record too much, So it process too slow. Do you have any trick to solve?

Thank in advance, your answer will appropriate..!!!

My code:

SELECT d.`id`, d.`name`, d.`email` AS `contact_email`, d.`notify`, d.`notify_admin`, d.`logo`, d.`status`
,(SELECT COUNT(j.`id`) FROM `jos_jobboard_jobs` AS j WHERE j.`department` = d.`id` AND j.`published` = 1) AS active
,(SELECT COUNT(j.`id`) FROM `jos_jobboard_jobs` AS j WHERE j.`department` = d.`id` AND j.`published` = 0) AS inactive
FROM `jos_jobboard_departments` AS d;

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SQL running slow
December 06, 2011 10:19PM
January 16, 2012 07:31PM
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January 29, 2012 08:11PM
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