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Error: Mysql glib-error gmem.c 173 failed to allocate bytes 16880000 bytes aborting
Posted by: suryansu panda
Date: January 16, 2014 01:30AM


I am using mysql 5.5 version.. I have a table having around 7 milions (7171864) records in a table.. The table have 40 columns..
I am trying to fetch all the records with a simple "Select * from table_name" statement...

I am getting below error

Mysql glib-error gmem.c 173 failed to allocate bytes 16880000 bytes aborting...

Can anybody help me here ... Any suggestion is always welcome



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Error: Mysql glib-error gmem.c 173 failed to allocate bytes 16880000 bytes aborting
January 16, 2014 01:30AM

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