Hi all,
I'm using MySQL Workbench for some time now, together with MySQL Query Broswer.
I export the SQL statements for my schema with the forward engineer... option.
Then load and execute the script in MySQL Query Broswer.
Today I dropped the schema and made a new one with a fresh generated script.
Thing is now, that it complains about invalid date value '0000-00-00' when I execute my Stored Procedure (INSERT statement).
I 'edited' (nothing changed, just chose 'edit') the stored procedure in the Query Browser and executed it again (drops and recreates it)
Now it just accepts '0000-00-00' and inserts the record.
So whats the difference between the script of Workbench and the Query Browser?
And how do I solve this without executing it again?
here's the whole script as exported by Workbench
this is the stored procedure executed again in Query Browser:
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `SP_tblOrder_INSERT`(
inOrderNumber VARCHAR(45),
inFK_CustomerID INT,
inFK_PaymentTypeID INT,
inOrderDate VARCHAR(15),
inLCShipmentDate VARCHAR(15),
inLCExpiryDate VARCHAR(15),
inTurnover DECIMAL(10,2),
inCurrency INT,
inCurrencyRate DECIMAL(3,2),
inProfit DECIMAL(10,2),
inInstrDasbach VARCHAR(15))
INSERT INTO tblOrder (OrderNumber, FK_CustomerID, FK_PaymentTypeID, OrderDate, LCShipmentDate, LCExpiryDate, Turnover, Currency, CurrencyRate, Profit, InstrDasbach)
VALUES( inOrderNumber, inFK_CustomerID, inFK_PaymentTypeID, STR_TO_DATE(inOrderDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),
STR_TO_DATE(inLCShipmentDate, '%d-%m-%Y'), STR_TO_DATE(inLCExpiryDate, '%d-%m-%Y'),
inTurnover, inCurrency, inCurrencyRate, inProfit, STR_TO_DATE(inInstrDasbach, '%d-%m-%Y'));
END $$
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2008 04:57AM by Guru Cus.