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attempting to recover ISAM tables after upgrade mac os x 10.6
Posted by: Casey Mongoven
Date: October 10, 2010 03:16PM


After a terrible crash without the luxury of being able to export to sql...I am left with only the data folder from the old installation. I have tried installing the old version of mysql (that was installed when it worked) and the same thing happens as is happening with MySQL 5.5.6 on Mac OS X 10.6: The databases are recognized but in phpMyAdmin but the tables are missing from the databases (although they are present in the folder) - how can I get it to recognize these old tables?

btw I have also tried repairing with myisamchk and it didn't work. any ideas?

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attempting to recover ISAM tables after upgrade mac os x 10.6
October 10, 2010 03:16PM

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